༺ a shrine in the woods ༻

"A samurai doesn't need a reason to take action. If something needs saving, all you have to do is grab your sword."

Tetsuro Wulf is many things, but on the forefront he is most known for being a samurai in both heart and soul, a mentor to many students, and guardian to those he loves deeply. Tetsuro serves as the Ōkami Deity of Balance with the focus of ensuring the safety of spirits, yokai, and mortals in their co-existence. Currently, he runs the bounty and supernatural investigations office known as
SERVER: Crystal | Coeurl

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༺ Artwork ༻

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༺ Ōkami Form ༻

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༺ About the Wulf ༻

"Set ablaze your heart, wherever you go."

༺ role: Boss of NightRaid // Ōkami Deity of Balance
༺ alignment: Chaotic Good // Neutral
༺ titles/alias: Descendent of Ōkami // Master of Clan Ryuen // Blue Exorcist // The Riftcloser // Voideraser // Cerulean Auspice of Leadership // Guardian Deity of Wolves // Raiju
༺ age: 27 in appearance (Passing 1000, actually.)
༺ race: Ōkami (wolf yokai) // Kitsune-Blooded
༺ place of birth: ‘Hidden Realm’ - Clan Ryuen Fox Village
༺ namesday: As chosen by his loved ones and companions, the Fourth day of the Second Astral Moon (March 4th).
༺ languages spoken: Common // Hingan/Doman // Xaelic // Thavnarian // Sign Language
༺ body structure: 6'7" // Beefy & Chubby
༺ sexuality: Pansexual (Male Lean)
༺ relationship status: Married to Scilla Nobuyuki
༺ personality: Friendly, mischievous, stoic, fatherly
༺ current occupations: Martial Artist Trainer // Exorcist // Bounty Boss // Spiritual Counselor & Priest // Venue Owner // Festival Committee member // Faith Ambassador
༺ hobbies & interests: Sparring & Training // Hunting // Divination // Travel // Writing & Journalling


༺ regular voice
Daisuke Ono

wolven voice ༻
Tomokazu Sugita

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༺Who is the "Mask"༻

"You yourself have to change, or nothing will change you."

The "Mask" is known as the embodiment Tetsuro's other half and chaotic nature, known to be present when his eyes succumb to a red pigment. A supressed side of the Kami that has existed since his birth, once known for bloodshed and thirst. This other half is a clashing nature against his divinity, given the chaotic nature of his father. This chaotic nature of his father's blood was sealed off for the majority of his life within, thus the mask ended up splitting from Tetsuro as a whole with a mind of his own once the seal was worn out. A more bold, brash, and cold presence that has eventually learned to love those around him, just as he does as a whole. The existence of the mask contributes to Tetsuro's nature as a Kami of balance, living with two clashing natures that have learned to co-exist within one another..

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༺ Inventory ༻

Imbued with Tetsuro's very essence, Kusanagi has endured much for several centuries as his primary weapon; the katana. Initially gifted by a clan of Dragon Kings formally used to slay a vicious seabeast, Tetsuro's kusanagi is the heart of his samurai soul. View other weapons.

A set of lapis lazuli prayer beads that he received centuries ago in his village. Beads used when studying mantras, mudras, meditation, and exorcism. They are blessed and encapsulate divine attributes attuned with his spirit, and are primarily worn around his left wrist.

Tetsuro is constantly equipped with various ofuda as an exorcist, enshrined with his lineage as a deity. Some may grant protection against evil, others may expel evil or purify taint.

A lot of the time, Tetsuro carries his gourd on him tied with rope. Usually the gourd carries medicinal water from his realm, or freshly brewed sake to take on his travels or jobs.

Tetsuro's kiseru has lived with him throughout the ages. He's particularly fond of smoking from it when stressed, or looking to relax. Often he will smoke floral herbs and travel with it alongside a tin.

Nowadays, Tetsuro likes to bring his reading cards with him to public gatherings. They read as a representation of the wolf totem, and he puts it into translation. So if anyone asked, he's most likely up to it.

Known from where he carries out most of his divination, the "dragon's breath" indicates the supernatural properities that comes with burning incense within this pot. It aids Tetsuro in specifically stepping into the metaphysical.

The source of all of Tetsuro's thoughts put into paper, primarily written in Hingan. Often he would write in his journal later at night to get all of his thoughts out before going to sleep.

Received from an elderly mage long ago, Tetsuro's love for reading made it prominent to his old friend to pass on these glasses. They have a permanent spell which enables the user to read any text at a pace 10x more quicker than average.

AOI [青い] & JOZU [上手]

Tetsuro's twin dragon shikigami born from a contract of his own blood. Both dragons hold the properties of Tetsuro's primarily element; fire. They are able to shapeshift in numerous ways at the will of their master.

RAI [雷]

Rai is yet another shikigami belonging to Tetsuro, depicting a wolf pup. Rai holds the properties of one of his master's elements; levin. It's said that Rai manifested this child-like nature due to his master's suppressed childhood.

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༺ Hooks & Rumors ༻

ŌKAMI DEITY OF BALANCE : tetsuro has taken on the role of former kami 'roku' in ascending to higher status amongst the kami as 'raiju'. his job involves tending to the spiritual balance between the co-existence of mortals and yokai. his responsibility also involves being a spiritual guide and aid to everyone around him. he holds a lot of knowledge involving the kami. he is also capable of various priestly duties, such as; purification, warding, blessings, weddings, etc. one can reach tetsuro easily by praying to a wolf statue, hearing out prayers or wishes.BEACON TO YOKAI: It's easy for almost all yokai to recognize that Tetsuro's presence is intense, let alone unmissed. Even if they can't pinpoint what exactly he is, he gives off a blinding beacon of holy spiritual energy that tends to attract curious yokai, especially to where he resides at Nightraid Headquarters.

SELF-MADE SAMURAI: With any given chance, Tetsuro certainly is one to love the ways of the samurai and the sword. He's often in Kugane in his free time, and would be more than willing to cross swords with another samurai. He names his sword style as 'Seinaru Hinokokyu', translating to 'holy fire breathing'.DOJO MASTER: nightraid hq happens to hold an indoor dojo where training often takes place, though it does not take too much to convince the master to teach or offer a few lessons / sparring sessions for outsiders in self defense or martial arts, such as; kenjutsu, soujutsu (spear), the nodachi, assassination, etc.
"Win or Lose, every spar is a valueable lesson to be had."

BOUNTY BOSS: running a bounty office comes with plenty of opportunity. tetsuro oves to network with individuals seeking work such as bounties, hunts, and odd jobs. he always has a business card on hand that would lead one to nightraid's bounty call where one can sign up for a bounty and make extra coin.

BLUE EXORCIST: tetsuro is often tasked with ridding of what is known to the hidden realm as 'impurities', that being more malicious and plaguing yokai usually preying on weaker yokai, or mortals. If there's an impurity uprising, he must immediately see to it. he's been called by establishments to set up wards and rid of dangerous or darker entities.

ENTERTAINER: a lot of time also goes into the entertainment side when it comes to tetsuro. he's hosted multiple events, such as; host clubs, karaoke night, rave events, and more. he is also known for playing the shamisen quite well, and some bamboo flute traditionally. sometimes he may show up to perform at certain venues, so if he's wanted he'll take the chance. or it's easy to recognize him from public events!

SOCIAL BUTTERFLY: Given his jovial and friendly nature, if all else fails, he's very easy to approach to just start a conversation with. One would find Tetsuro most present in Hingashi / Othard, though he does tend to travel a lot so it's not difficult to catch him outside of the region. Posters of his face from a hingan band known as 'Y☆KAI' is all ove Kugane.


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OOC Contact

Hello! thank you for taking the time to go through tetsuro's carrd! He is my most active character, so getting roleplay out of him is more likely. I currently run several roleplay communities, but I'm always open to making time for pre-planned roleplay.TIMEZONE: Pacific Standard (US)
SERVER:: Crystal | Coeurl
WRITING: Length matches the person I'm roleplaying with.
LOOKING FOR : Contacts, connections, possibly long-term friends.
NOT LOOKING FOR : Romance, ERP, overly dark or angsty RP
Only those 21+ approach please. All IC things must be seperate from OOC.
My discord username is okamidad!

running the NightRaid Network discord, I open all veteran or new roleplayers to my server if they're seeking out a community united under one banner that consistently runs multiple engaging and diverse events every single week! Come say Hi!

you're welcome to check out some venues that i run regularly!

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The Wulf's Beginning

༺ Hingan Proverb ༻
༺ 虎穴に入らずんば虎子を得ず༻

"if you do not enter the tiger's cave, you will not catch its cub." meaning: nothing ventured, nothing gained.

༺ Origins ༻
Deep within the land of the Yokai, a realm unseen to the mortal eye, resided several clans, sects, regions.. As though a mirror of the Far East. Except occupied by the supernatural creatures told of through folklore. Particularly, one of the most well-known clans would be the one Tetsuro was born into. A clan and village of Kitsune, now known as ‘Clan Ryuen.’ Tetsuro was destined to be known as; The Ninth Servant of Inari AND Ookami, Balance.
Tetsuro grew up under the cold and overly strict eye of his father, and the warm loving embrace of his mother. Attending temple school, hours of sacred study which involved memorizing thousands of mantras, methods of purification, exorcism, and so forth. Ryuen was known as a clan that would aid in taming overly aggressive yokai, or impure and darker spirits. Under his father, Tetsuro grew rebellious and resistant to his teachings, as his focus shifted towards something more combative. His love for martial arts to be discovered through a small library near their clan’s village. Day by day, Tetsuro spent hours studying scrolls of several different kinds of martial arts, silhouettes illustration techniques which set in a passion within the young boy’s heart. Though the one passion in particular which stuck out to him? Kenjutsu.Within the library a young Tetsuro would always visit, the bookkeep took the appearance of a yokai he couldn’t quite pinpoint. But never questioned it. Little did he know that this bookkeep was a Wolf Kami under the guise of a simple man; Roku. A wolven ancestor belonging to Tetsuro of six generations who kept his distance. Though, as Tetsuro was more and more distracted by his love for combative arts, his father caught onto such antics and ultimately banished his son from their village, naming him a ‘disgrace’ as his heir. At this time, his mother, still pregnant with his little brother, Kenta, wept with little power to stop her unyielding husband’s wrath.

༺ A New Beginning ༻
With his banishment, Tetsuro set off to the world where his passion was birthed from; that of the Mundane Realm. Where mortals thrive and live. Initially, the years were cold and lonely. Times were lost to the control of the Mask. But as Roku watched over his descendent, the burning passion influenced by his presence for the sword would be what kept him going. Acquiring his first sword from his ‘bookkeep’ acquaintance and ancestor unknowingly, Tetsuro sought to follow the scrolls from the library. Going from dojo to dojo, finding and fighting strong swordsman all over the land. Every sparring session becomes a valuable lesson, life or death involved. Soon this desire would expand to a plethora of other hingan weaponry, and martial arts as decades into centuries passed.
Tetsuro ended up getting involved in many battles as a traveling mercenary and exorcist. Outliving many, reliving the death of comrades. The idea of creating a designated company in which he finally settled down came to mind after banding together with a small group of four. This company would be later known as ‘NightRaid’. Within Nightraid, Tetsuro taught his four veterans about the existence of yokai, and about combative arts to which their small office fronted as a supernatural investigations service. Day after day, they would deal with incidents that primarily involved yokai. But his bonds with his comrades and contacts grew his love for mortals, in the end.༺ A War of Worlds ༻
NightRaid continued to grow, until a terrible fate was bestowed upon his people many years later. Roku finally made himself known after interacting with Tetsuro in several small incidents. Though it was, at the time, against law within the realm of the Kami. He advised Tetsuro to no longer run from his role as a Servant to the kitsune Kami, as he and eight others including his younger brother were in grave danger. They would need to retrieve, in total, nine different Hoshi no Tama belonging to a sect of servants under Inari Okami to ensure the safety of the realm. His father would lead a reign of terror upon the mortal realm, blasting a forced veil through Yomi and the people.
Read full stories of the Servant of Nine here.The aid of those of Nightraid, those who died for the safety of the Realm through Tetsuro’s past, those who lived with found traumas and haunting paths, resulted in Tetsuro breaking free from his father’s wrath. He tormented his son’s found family, his younger brother, his wife… to her death, and the world’s balance. He took, and took, and took. Taking advantage of the “Mask” as his trump card. But soon enough, he was caught and executed after numerous incidents on the spot.
Though, the most tragic result of Roku’s desperate involvement to aid his descendants would be that he was no longer allowed the seat of a Kami. Thus… his existence withered, or so we thought.
Tetsuro had discovered, as a being of Spiritual Balance, his role in both realms were not over. And soon he would become the Okami Deity of Balance, taking up the mantle of Roku as the seventh generation of Okami upon his granted ascension for all he had done.

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༺Character Bonds༻

♡ Lover
♥ Family
✦ Close Friends
☆ Friends

♡ Scilla Nobuyuki (Wife)
Initially elusive to him, Tetsuro met Scilla within his office as the fennec kitsune sought out a teacher in hand to hand. At the time, Tetsuro had been getting over heartache, yet Scilla stuck close to wolf throughout this time with nothing but patience. Eventually, the two continued to run into each other and grew close. At times, they would nap with one another or generally share a sleeping space in which Tetsuro felt safe. The more Tetsuro began to learn about Scilla, the more he wanted to know of him, and such blossomed into something beyond simple fondness. The two recognized their feelings for one another, along with the very motif that Tetsuro felt the most alive and whole when surrounded by flowers.. and as he has come to known, Scilla represents those flowers. Scilla has become everything Tetsuro did not know he needed in a lover and in his life. They are now teachers to one another, with Tetsuro showing Scilla the way of the sword and Scilla introducing magic and manipulation to Tetsuro. He believes that fate has led them to one another in these various instances.. especially how Scilla makes Tetsuro feel he is allowed to do many things he once suppressed due to his past, and experiencing many 'firsts' with him.

❤ Kenta Wulf (Little Brother)
Centuries ago, Tetsuro was banished from he and his younger brother's home village before Kenta was even born. They had met for the first time ever briefly after Tetsuro returned to see his mother for the first time since his banishment, only to find his father was the one who killed her. As Kenta ran to Tetsuro's defense at that time, getting in the way of their father, he was also killed immediately right in front of him. That murder is still one of the most haunting things Tetsuro has had to deal with. With that, Tetsuro harbored so much guilt for so long, thinking he could do more for his younger brother, blaming himself for Kenta's endurance of cruelty and abuse from their father. After a painful chase, thinking that his brother was doomed to be a loss soul after his father killed him, Tetsuro was given a second chance. To find Kenta's Hoshi no Tama and restore his spirit into a new vessel. Once found, Tetsuro spends his time teaching and introducing to Kenta the things he's found to learn about the Apparent Realm that he loves so much, and also getting to know his baby brother far more. To teach him love rather than pain and cruelty like his father. Kenta took up the bow as the first weapon Tetsuro himself had ever taken up at a younger age and strives to do his best under his elder brother's company.

❤ M'yhe "Youta" Tia (Adopted Son)
Tetsuro called upon this blind Seer for insight after the two of them met on several bounty offers, finding interest in the man's 'capabilities' especially his ability to card read and tell fortunes. During this time, he was dealing with the outcome of his trip to the Hidden Realm after avoiding it for centuries.. only to see his father was a cold blooded murderer of their own family.. thus he sought the seers expertise on looking deeper. With this, he was inspired to conquer his inner struggles thanks to the Seers words despite being a touch stubborn about it. At the beginning, he realized he couldn't quite pronounce the other man's name properly, so he settled to dub him 'Youta', which in doman means 'child of sunlight', something he found fitting. Currently, at times Tetsuro would find the blind Seer's humor amusing, other times he may want to sock him in the face, but it's all love. He sees sheer strength and wisdom in Youta, most of all. At times, the Mask would refer to Youta as 'Little Sheep' with their pasts secretly intertwined.

❤ Ninka'ir "Haruko" Tayuun (Adopted Son)
At first, Tetsuro hadn't thought too deeply that Ninka would come to remind him of someone he still holds dear to his heart. Through training, he watched how his determination to aid others was a clear trait of his. Specifically the fact that his weapon of choice is the bow and arrow, the very first practice Tetsuro took up, and closely mentored someone dear to him he took in earlier years, he feels a necessity to teach Ninka and watch him grow. Again, Tetsuro is not all too grand with tribe names but he chose to dub him, 'Haruko', meaning 'Spring Child' as he associates Ninka with flowers and lighter colors, mainly for his kindness and warmth. In recent Moons, Tetsuro's passed brother, Kenta's spirit, was drawn to attaching to Ninka, being able to communicate in shorter ways and lending his fox fire. Tetsuro trusts him with Kenta's life.. literally. He's even entrusted Ninka with training his kid brother in the way of the bow and arrow, as well as other personal things.

L'amp "Hikaru" Tia (Adopted Son)
The first time Tetsuro saw L'amp was at a fateful encounter on a patrol NightRaid was taking in Kugane regarding an uprising of cloaked Oni-beings with criminal activity. Some of Tetsuro's men had run into the boy nearly slain by one of the Oni in which Tetsuro was contacted and rushed to his defense. While his companions protected L'amp from the beast, Tetsuro immediately snatched up L'amp and rushed him to safety as soon as possible. His eyes were on the boy and his book, to keep him safe, to not allow for him to be dragged into the mess they had to deal with as a job. However.. that same evening Tetsuro brought L'amp home with the rest of NightRaid, offering him a home. Initially with the duty of simply noting and recording events, to teaching the boy physical defense and fighting, he's trusted him through thick and thin, and important notes to aid their cause in finding the Hoshi no Tama. The connection between L'amp's being and attachment to his book, his tribe and Tetsuro's clan, for the first time felt understood to the fullest. And thanks to that... he doesn't mind being called 'Tou-san'.

Salem "Satoru" Tia (Adopted Son)
Despite how they firstly met, due to his protectiveness over one of their members, he did initially wish to know Salem BETTER, starting with a dance off at one of Dragon Tear's rave nights.. however, he was shown through his worries that Salem was a good man he could trust with their youngest member. Strength.. sincerity.. a good level of wisdom and sageness a man bearing the name, Satoru, holds. Not knowing him as well as others may, he does trust him, especially through being exposed to the world in which Tetsuro and NightRaid are up against. One thing he'll never forget is having Salem as one of the people at his side issuing mass amounts of his aether to save his spirit on the verge of collapsing.. that truly did signify his trust in Salem.

✦ Ryo Setsu (Best Friend)
The two of them grew up together, given their clans were close at the time before Tetsuro's exile.. Ryosetsu was most observant of Tetsuro's secret love for the sword, and so he'd listen to his pair's fascination over combat, his findings at the hidden library, his future goals.. he did enjoy seeing a little more spark in Tetsuro's life. Though unfortunately after the exile, he hadn't seen Tetsuro for centuries afterwards. And for the ninth's absence, he has always felt a deeply pitted guilt for leaving Ryosetsu pairless for hundreds of years, despite Ryo not resenting him for it. His focus is to rekindle and reconnect what he had with the seventh when they were younger. Though, eventually it seems Ryosetsu himself was able to pick up swordsmanship and the axe in his pair's absence, and come to learn why exactly Tetsuro found the mortal realm to be such a delight.

☆ Ranmaru Ji (Rival.. friend)
These two may heavily clash with one another, their personalities differing, though perhaps not quite realizing just in common they may be. From shitty, violent fathers, to unknowingly training under the same shinobi clan, baring with an uncontrollable temper, Tetsuro still regards Ranmaru as someone important to their cause. Just as the rest of the servants, each has their own history revolving around their jewel, knowing Ranmaru had also ventured into the Mortal Realm after being abandoned by his father, leaving behind his deceased mother and sister, just as Tetsuro was made to leave his deceased mother and brother. Ranmaru does often instigate Tetsuro's, especially in the 'Manifestation' arc. Tetsuro wants to show Ranmaru to trust and maintain his anger, as the two of them share these struggles but moreso in a disconnected fashion. However, Ranmaru has this constant issue with goading Tetsuro into fighting him.. seeing as they both have that inner rage and Ranmaru, of all Servants, has seen the Mask up close and what it is capable of. The two ultimately made amends, thus having each other's backs from a distance.

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